
Ema Laurent

Twin Flame Coaching


Here you will learn how the Twin Flame dynamic really behaves, as explained by higher realms.

So you are 100% clear on what you have to do to advance well on this Twin Flame Journey, a higher kind of journey that before incarnating you decided to undertake on Earth.

And the first thing to keep in mind is this:

In the Twin Flame dynamic, everything is energy.

The reason for one twin running from the connection despite how perfect their twin is for them, is that all the negative energy that both twins have accumulated throughout their life (all the fears, unhealed traumas, negative beliefs, resentment, lack of self-love and self-worth, etc.) creates an energy mismatch with the highly positive Twin Flame bond. The Twin Flame bond is made of Unconditional Love.

This mismatch between the negative energy from the twin flames and their positive Twin Flame bond acts as an energetical barrier and repellent between the two twins.  So one twin usually ends up running.

The runner doesn’t consciously know why they are running.  They just feel overwhelmed, repulsed, or exhausted by the connection.  They can even be scared so they feel they need to protect themselves. 

It’s not that the runner doesn’t love or care about their twin.  They do, and they know no one else will love them like their twin. Moreover, they don’t reject their twin per se, what they reject subconsciously is the negative state of the energy surrounding the connection. So they really cannot help running.  And they will come up with all sorts of justifications for themselves or their twin, if any, to try to make sense of why they feel this way.

But the reason is entirely energetical.  Like everything is in the Universe.

There’s really nothing the chaser can do or say to keep their twin from running. They should never blame themselves or their twin since this is an energetical process that they decided to undertake before incarnating. But they must understand that now they need to work on their own selves to get rid of the accumulated negativity within, heal and elevate their energy.  So they can help themselves, the connection and their goals for this incarnation.

“I have made so much progress thanks to putting into practice Ema’s advice. It’s truly a superior level of Twin Flame counseling.”

-Melissa, London, U.K.

“I have gotten counseling from Ema, and she has been incredible.  Nothing like any other help I’ve sought from anyone else before.  I have tried many other methods, but simply put, they understand me like no one else does, and it’s without judgement. Also very affordable compared to other TF coaching.”

-Alec, San Antonio, TX, U.S.A.